![]() What is God wanting to say to you today? The bible is full of parables and promises, but there is something He has specifically for your heart today! That dream that you have had perfectly perched on the shelf. You know, the one that awakens the deepest parts of your heart. God hasn’t forgotten it, and He hasn’t forgotten you. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in the carpools, laundry, and dinners that we forget to tend to our own dreams. God dares us to dream bigger! His dreams for you will require you to move into the uncomfortable places. Don’t be alarmed over discomfort, it is the stretching that is producing growth! Ephesians 3:20, tells us “God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us.” (MSG) Take a moment to get quiet with God and allow Him to speak to your heart regarding the dreams He has for you. The roots run deeper than even you know. In Isaiah 49:16 The Lord reminds us that we are not forgotten. He has your name written on the palms of His hands; you are never far from His thoughts. Write it down! Share it with a friend! Make it known! When we share our dreams they become real, living, breathing dreams. When we write them down they begin to take shape. It’s then that we become accountable to bringing them to reality. Be encouraged that you are enough and that He is faithful to complete every good and perfect work He began in you. He will honor your obedience to follow through.